Earning My First $1 Online

(NOTE: This was originally posted by my mentor, Ellie Murphy. It has been edited to show my links.)

Yesterday I started making money using the free site called Timebucks

I am testing the theory that I can earn $1 from completing simple ad clicks on this site, which I can then use to build my income in various ways.

Earning $1 a day is a great first target to work on as it can open many doors online. It provides a very solid foundation for moving forward and securing higher level income.

For example when you learn to earn $1 a day, you can then build your earning up slowly but surely to reach $10 a day, $20 a day, even $100+ per day.

Ad clicks are not very exciting, and in my opinion are written off by far too many people because of the idea that they do not pay enough to earn serious amounts of money online.

Nothing could be further from the truth though. If you are willing to complete ad clicks you can earn a million dollars online……

Will you allow me the chance to show you how? I do hope so.

I will detail everything you need to know, step by step in this blog. I will show you exactly how it works by documenting my own earning journey as well.

Step 1 is to keep doing ad clicks until you can’t do any more.

Trust me, it will be worth the time and effort.

I like to check my progress at certain goals when working on a test like this one:

After 100 ad clicks I have earned $0.178:

I kept going until I ran out of ads to click:

I earned $0.26 by clicking on 141 ads today. This answers my question about being able to earn $1 in a day by clicking ads on Timebucks.

I know that $0.26 might not sound like much but it is free money and 100% profit on day 1.

Considering people often spend much more than they ever earn online this is highly significant.

It is much more than is often earned by the “more advanced methods” that people tend to think of as “better”.

Despite not reaching my goal of $1 today by clicking ads, I do have the option to use other earning tasks to boost my balance.

I chose to complete a few very short surveys to take my balance over $1. Don’t worry if surveys are not for you, there are plenty of other options for us to explore together!

Extra Earning Tips For Ad Clicks

When completing the ad clicks on Timebucks pay attention to the timer that shows in the tab after you have clicked the ad. I have noticed it can stop running at times, so just open the tab again and open the ad again and it will continue to zero so you get paid.

Clearing cookies can also help to prevent this issue.

Many of the ads will be promoting other sites. Some of these are genuine sites that are worth checking out, but many of them are not.

Be selective if you join the sites being advertised and do a bit of research to check if they are paying or not.

Ad clicks are boring so learn to multi task – I love to read or watch TV while doing my ad clicks. I can even write new blog posts while clicking ads in a different tab on my laptop.

Give yourself a target number of ads to click, or a specific amount you want to aim for each day. You can even give yourself a time limit to see how much you can earn during that time…..

Take a break, walk around, or do some different earning tasks between sessions of doing ad clicks.

Remember that you are just using ad clicks to help you earn some funds to move on to much higher income building activities.

Ignore the amount that you earn at first – we will be multiplying that over and over again so it is not relevant.

Don’t underestimate the amount of money you can earn from a site like Timebucks.

It has already paid me over $2000:


Knight C Duerig

(My friends call me K.C.)


Text 208-599-2638


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