Why Hungry For Hits?

(NOTE: This was originally posted by my mentor, Ellie Murphy. It has been edited to show my links.)

Something I truly love about blogging is getting questions from my readers.

It helps me to understand more about what people want to know, and therefore lets me write in response….. just like this!

In yesterday’s blog post I wrote about the first ads that I started running and I got a fabulous question from Connor.

He basically asked “Why Hungry For Hits?”

When I replied to him I thought…… that is a great topic for another post!

So today let me talk in a bit more detail about why I chose to use Hungry for Hits as my first ad site.

There are many reasons:

The main reason I chose Hungry for Hits is because of how busy that site is.

I know for a fact that my posts will get seen by a lot of people.

 There are over 35,000 members on Hungry.

Here is a screenshot of what is going on there right now:

You can see that over 400 people logged in just yesterday.

You can also see there are just 1201 websites in rotation.

That is not a lot for 400+ people to be viewing.

I bet they would love to see some new and different ads…..

There are a lot of regulars on Hungry for Hits who surf a lot and I would love to get their attention if I can.

These are people who are very active online.

Just the kind of people I would like to attract!

I also know from experience that H4H has a lot of people who are interested in free earning sites – as I am focused on promoting my $10 a day plan and my $1000 a month plan at the moment they are exactly the right audience for my needs.

Another great reason for using Hungry for Hits is because they provide a blogging option on site.

This means the members are quite used to reading blog posts.

Some people will also be experienced in writing them.

 For this reason, sharing blog posts on site is again another great match to the audience provided.

In addition to those reasons mentioned above I have already purchased an upgrade on Hungry.

This gives me 100 ad slots and a constant supply of credits without needing to spend time surfing.

My plan is about automation and I will go into that in lots more detail over the next few weeks.

I will also explain why Hungry for Hits is one of the key sites in my automation plan – Hint: There is a unique way that it can build your traffic levels.

If you have not joined Hungry for Hits already you can click here to join using my referral link.

I will be explaining more about how to use the site effectively ASAP.


Knight C Duerig

(My friends call me K.C.)


Text 208-599-2638


Check Out My Blog Contents

(NOTE: This was originally posted by my mentor, Ellie
Murphy. It has been edited to show my links.) Something I truly love about blogging is getting questions
from my readers. It helps me to understand more about what people want to
know, and therefore lets me write in response….. just like this!  In yesterday’s blog post I wrote about the
first ads that I started running
and I got a fabulous question from Connor.
 He basically asked “Why Hungry For Hits?” When I replied to him I thought…… that is a great topic for
another post!  So today let me talk in a bit more detail about why I chose
to use Hungry for Hits as my first ad site.  There are many reasons: The main reason I chose Hungry for Hits is because of
how busy that site is. I know for a fact that my posts will get seen by a lot of
people. There are over 35,000
members on Hungry. Here is a screenshot of what is going on there right now:






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