Author: knightsaffiliatemarketing

  • 50 Referrals in Under a Week with Free Sites

    Skip to content 50 Referrals in Under A Week Using Free Traffic Yep, it took me 6 days to reach 51 referrals on a brand new site I joined. That site is Diamond Hits 4U Click Link To Join. I used 100% free traffic methods to achieve this….. actually I guess technically I pay for…

  • The Plan for 2024

    So……. here is the plan for 2024 to explode your income to AT LEAST $1000+ Per Month:  The 2 sites to join for free are: American Dream Safe-List Site 1 is changing to Great Life Worldwide on 3rd Jan and it has the best compensation plan I have ever seen.  You will need to have…

  • 6 Seconds to Success

    I am sure you know already that Traffic Exchanges are an amazing tool for promoting your business online, but they can also be time consuming. Many Traffic Exchanges have special bonuses and rewards for surfing and these can be used very effectively to generate higher level profits and traffic when you use them strategically. For…

  • Earn $25 Today

    It’s not often something so simple comes along where free members can earn $25 in 1 day.This is how:Join 6 Second Surfing with this link: You will earn the first $1 just from surfing, so make sure you do that.Then you need to promote it on other traffic sites. Here are some good sites…

  • How To Create an Email List in Leadsleap

    To create an email list in Leadsleap takes just a few clicks as explained below. Why Do You Need An Email List? Having your own list of contacts when you work online is very important. It will allow you to gain team members for multiple opportunities a lot easier than when you do not have…

  • How To Earn $240K With 2 Sites

    Hi Since I started working on my earn $100K in 2024 system a few weeks ago I discovered something very interesting.  That is….. earning cash on traffic exchanges is very very easy.  It took me about a week to earn $120 on Actual Hits 4U How? By surfing a total of1000 pages, using funds earned to…

  • 1000 Referrals Challenge. You Can Get 1000 Referrals Too!

    You may have noticed already…. but I am a little obsessed with the number 1000. I am not really sure when it started, but probably when I realized I could add 1000 referrals to pretty much any site I choose to work on. At the moment I am writing my free course which explains how…

  • What Do You Need To Succeed Online in 2024?

    Just in case you haven’t noticed already 2023 is almost over and it has been a massively tough year for the majority of people in the world. The “normal” rules of success are not really working very well! Practically everyone is under pressure in one way or another, and that makes for a very different…

  • What is The Leadsleap Traffic Co-op?

    This week I have been talking about Leadsleap and explaining some of the main features it provides to marketers. The fact is, the more you know about this site, the more useful it becomes. It is quite understandable that the site is very much under utilised by the majority of its members. It provides so…

  • Using the Leadsleap Tracking Tool

    The Leadsleap tracking tool is an extremely useful feature to use. Learning how to use it will help you save time and money on your advertising by telling you the best sources of traffic that you are using. The link tracker will tell you for example, how many views and clicks are coming from a…
