This post is to give you a plan to follow!
Step 1 – Join a free site – use this to earn money each day.
I recommend starting with CoinPayU because you can withdraw when you hit $1.
Step 2 – Join a site that allows you to multiply your funds from the free site (again there are several options – see some examples under step 3)
Step 3 – Give yourself a target amount you need to earn with the free site to fund the second site (could be $1, $3, $5, $10 etc etc depending on the site you choose).
Here are a few options:
Earn $1 and add it to Infinity Hash
Earn $1 and add it to Build Free Income
Earn $3 and add it to Crypto Team Build
Earn $5 and add it to Unlimited Mail Profits
Earn $10 and add it to Legit Doge Miner
Earn $10 and add it to Ad Pack Share Club
Allow the site(s) to increase funds for you – some might require referrals but most do not. You might like to focus on building 1 site at first.
Step 4 – KEEP using the free site to generate daily cash (it doesn’t matter how much, just use it to reach the next target that you set yourself).
You could just focus on earning $1 over and over again to add to Infinity Hash for example.
YOU set your own target.
Step 5 – Learn how to generate traffic and how to promote to get referrals.
You can begin working on this for free if you are happy to do ad clicks, or you can upgrade for a few dollars if you want to automate your traffic.
I do the last option….. that allows me to have traffic coming from MANY different sites to promote my blog = a constant flow of new referrals.
Step 6 – Add new income streams when you choose to do that.
This is how to build to $100+ a day (10 sites at $10 a day is my system for this).
The best thing you can do is get used to reading my blog posts as that is where I provide detailed guidance on using each site etc.
Knight C Duerig
(My friends call me K.C.)
Text 208-599-2638
Check Out My Blog: