A Welcome Email

Hopefully by now you have your blog set up, your first post published and your lead capture page and email list set up as well. If not, you should follow the directions in these posts before reading on:

WordPress Blog Set Up with Global Domains International

Done For You Affiliate Marketing First Blog Post

Done For You Affiliate Marketing Lead Capture Page

When all of that is done, it is time to add a welcome email to your Leadsleap account. To do this click first on LIST MANAGER, find your affiliate marketing email list, then click on the single envelope icon. Below the list name you will see a welcome email editor. Click on the pencil icon to open it and then copy and paste the following email I have written for you:

Subject: Done for You Affiliate Marketing

Thank You for joining my Done for You Affiliate Marketing email list. I am delighted to tell you all about it.

Basically the marketer who set up this system wanted to remove all the barriers to affiliate marketing success after seeing how much most people struggled to get sales. As a very successful marketer and affiliate, with over 10 years’ experience, she decided that training was not enough. Even with the best training it can take time to start making affiliate sales!

This system is designed to get you sales while you are learning. Not only are sales made for you in our Facebook Group, you will be taught, step by step, how to set up a fully automated affiliate marketing system that works.

For now, just pop over to join our Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/doneforyouaffiliatemarketing, then keep an eye out for my next email. I will provide you with all the training you need to succeed as an affiliate marketer, while Ellie works on getting sales for you in the group.

To your success


Knight C Duerig

(My friends call me K.C.)


Text 208-599-2638


Setting Up A Blog

Your First Blog Post

Building Lead Capture Pages






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