The Flexibility of Blog Posts

Mar 5, 2024 by Knight in Knight’s Affiliate Marketing

After writing the post Earning Bitcoin on Infinity Traffic Boost I told the members of my Facebook Group that it is possible to use that very post to help get referrals for Leadsleap and even for Team Build Machine as well as Infinity Traffic Boost and GDI……


Here is an example:

When you write a blog post AND build an email list/send emails, what you are doing is providing 2 different sources of information. The first source is the blog post itself. The post linked above is focused mostly on providing information about Infinity Traffic Boost, with a small mention of GDI.

The post itself can be shared with others to help get referrals for those 2 sites…… however, for more advanced marketing you can focus on teaching more.

If I combined this blog post with an email I would have a second source of information that I can use in different ways.

An email that promotes Team Build Machine might look like this:

Subject: How To Get Referrals on Infinity Traffic Boost


If you have joined Infinity Traffic Boost already, and know about the benefits of building a team on this site, you might be wondering how to get referrals for it.

Well if you want some help with that, I can recommend you join us over on Team Build Machine……

On Team Build Machine you will find lots of things that can help you to get referrals. There is the option to have your link included in referral rotator posts, you can add your own ads there too. The bit that I like best though is you can also get pre-written emails that you can send to your email list, and even capture pages that you can use to build your list as well. This is very useful for people who are just learning about email marketing, or who just want some inspiration about what to write.

You will find all of these things when you use the VIEW ADVERTISEMENTS section of Team Build Machine….. which means you will also earn a little cash at the same time.

Here is an example post that you can use for building Infinity Traffic Boost that I got from Team Build Machine: (INSERT LINK TO BLOG POST)

I am enjoying earning some cash for ad clicks over there AND learning a lot about team building at the same time. It is making life easier for me as a marketer with the resources provided too.

If you want to check it out my link is:


Best Wishes

(Your Name)

When you use an email and a blog post together in this way it is 2 tier marketing. You are using the email to promote something (TBM) to help others learn about promoting something else (ITB).

Now if you want to use the post to promote Leadsleap, you can use the same blog post but with a different email….. one that talks about using the post to help with email marketing.

Here is another email example:

Subject: How To Get Referrals on Infinity Traffic Boost


If you have joined Infinity Traffic Boost already, and know about the benefits of building a team on this site, you might be wondering how to get referrals for it.

Well if you want some help with that, I can highly recommend you also join a site called Leadsleap. My referral link should you wish to have a look is:

The reason I recommend you use this site is because you can use it to learn all about list building and email marketing.

To use email marketing for team building is highly effective because it helps you to build a relationship with your subscribers.

If I wanted to focus on getting referrals for Infinity Traffic Boost via email marketing I would send out information such as this:


This is a LOT more effective than just sending people a referral link to a site they don’t know how to use yet.

Best Wishes

(Your Name)

Now you have 2 very different emails, that use the exact same blog post to help you build Team Build Machine, and Leadsleap.


Knight C Duerig

(My friends call me K.C.)

Text 208-599-2638


Check Out My Blog for Affiliate Marketing






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