If you haven’t made it to your first $100 day online yet, don’t worry, it’s not far away.
I remember the days when I struggled to make $1 or $2 never mind $100 and I thought I would never reach it. Now I can make $1000+ in a single day and I know you just need some guidance.
First let me show you the proof that I made over $100 on my first day with this program:

All sales in 1 day:

Now let me make this very clear……. I am saying you CAN make $100 with this today. It is most definitely possible. I do not know if you WILL make $100 today. All I can do is share my system with you and the rest is up to you. It takes WORK…. the money doesn’t appear when you do nothing, or if you do not do very much. The more work you put in today the better your chances of success will be.
If you do not make $100 today then try again tomorrow and the next day, and the next day. The way this system works it is only a matter of time before your first $100 day happens for you IF you work on it each day. Your chances of success INCREASE with each day you work on it because you start earning from your team efforts as well.
Step 1 – Click Here To Register For The Shiny Ball Syndrome
It costs a one off payment of $10. You can choose a VIP upgrade if you want…. you will see the details of that when you join. The VIP upgrade is either $50 or $100 one time, and that increases your commission levels by 500%.
Step 2 – Click Here To Join Leadsleap
You need this account to import my Lead Capture Page and to create an email list.
Step 3 – Import Lead Capture Page
The Lead Capture Page for this campaign is: https://llpgpro.com/first100dollarday/
The code to import it is: page-aCWVwYwZGZZ
Step 4 – Create Email List and connect to Lead Capture Page:
Step 5 – Add Welcome Email
The Welcome Email is:
~smartHi~If you have been trying and failing to reach your first $100 day online then I have good news for you.
Literally hundreds of people have earned $100 in 1 day with this program.
I am pleased to say that several people in our team have done it already.
Not only is this program incredibly simple.
It converts like crazy.
Check It Out Here: https://theshinyballsyndrome.com/amember/aff/go/knights2
So I can show you the proof of earnings, and teach others how to use it effectively you just need to read this blog post: http://affiliateblogging.ws/2023/09/17/your-first-100-day-online/
Best Wishes
(Your Name)
Feel free to adjust that email a bit to suit yourself, and of course include your own link for The Shiny Ball Syndrome. If you are in my GDI downline you have my permission to copy this blog post…. and will also qualify for One To One Coaching From Me.
Click Here To Join My GDI Downline
Step 6: Promote Your Lead Capture Page on EVERY traffic site you can find.
(I will add a list of sites ASAP)
Thats it.
KEEP PROMOTING DAILY….. the commissions will soon come!
Knight C Duerig
(My friends call me K.C.)
Text 208-599-2638
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