My Daily Routine

I thought that it might be of some value to you if I showed you how I maintain my daily routine.

I break my routine into two parts; what I do every morning and what I do every evening.

Before we get into that, I need to remind you that if you’re going to really pursue making money on the internet, you must face reality and realize that you will never get rich overnight.  You cannot earn thousands of dollars every month unless you have a mailing list that numbers in the thousands and it takes time to build that list.

When you send out an offer to your list, you can maybe count on 1% of the members opening your email and maybe 1% of those actually acting on it. 

So, you need a large mailing list as a starting point.

So, everything that you do needs to help build your list!

Now, for starters, I keep all my program information in a spreadsheet.  This information includes a hotlink to each program and I have it arranged so that I can start with the first program on the list, do what is needed to earn there and then move on to the next program.

The first program that I open in my morning routine is Infinity Traffic Boost.  After I have surfed 10 sites, I earn a Surf Bonus, which is paid out at the end of each day.  This increases with every 10 sites I surf, so my goal is to surf at least 50 a day and more if possible.  I leave this program open and let the timer count down while I work on another program in another tab.

Yes, I usually have several tabs open in different programs at the same time.  That way I can move between them and work on more than one at a time.

The next program I open is NeoBux.  The required action here is to open at least 4 ads which only takes a couple of minutes.  They open in a new tab and when the timer counts down they can be closed and the next on opened.  It only pays pennies, but as your account builds, you can start renting some referrals (RRs), which will increase your earnings.  It costs $0.60 to rent 3 referrals and $1.12 to extend each 1 by 240 days…… so you need to have $3.96 available BEFORE you start to add RR’s. Just keep clicking on your ads,  building your RRs and extending them.

Now I open my LeadsLeap program.  This is where I build all of my lists and capture pages.  I also earn daily from clicking on ads.  Again, it takes 10 ads to quality for the daily bonus.

An easy way to earn some bitcoin is open the Free Bit Coin program, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the ROLL button to WIN UP TO $200 IN FREE BITCOINS EVERY HOUR!

That is my basic morning routine.  I also go to various advertising sites, which I will detail in another post.

My evening routine is done on my phone, because these programs won’t allow me to work on the computer because of my provider.  I turn off my wifi on the phone and use my Consumer Cellular program.

The 2 programs that I use this way are AdRevSplit and Ads by UAP.

As usual, I click on the PTC links and where possible I advertise on of my capture pages to help build my list.

In fact, all these programs allow me to advertise my pages.  If you are interested in building your list, join Leadsleap (if you’re not a member already) and then ask me for the sharecodes for the program that you want to advertise.


Knight C Duerig

(My friends call me K.C.)

Text 208-599-2638


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3 responses to “My Daily Routine”

  1. […] In the meantime…you can see my Daily Routine here. […]

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